Where did the McKnights come from?

The McKnight name comes from the original Clan name MacNaughten, who at one time occupied the lands to the north of Loch Fyne and to the east of Loch Awe in Scotland. In the seventeenth century the Laird disgraced himself by eloping with his new wife's younger sister, the daughter of the Royal Steward, and as a result the Clan is said to have disintegrated.

The area that once belonged to the Clan is bleak and uninteresting. As the upper photo shows, the road signs were more interesting. (Actually it shows heather being harvested by the road-side). The Peak in the background is Beinn Bhreac.

The lower photo is of Loch Eck to the south of the lands. We were running a coach trip for Arthritic people, all wanting to have this photo in their own camera. Unfortunately, the access was difficult so I had to take them all. I had some twenty cameras slung around my neck at the time; if I had fallen in I would have gone straight to the bottom.

Loch Eck is close to Loch Fyne, but actually drains away to the nearby Holy Loch, best known as the home base of the British Nuclear Fleet.


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